
Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Rhein-Neckar 

About us

The Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft e.V. is a non-profit-making, non-partisan, non-governmental and politically independent registered association. Its aim is to promote German-British relations in areas of public interest. 

Its goals are:

President Nichola Hayton MBE (left) and Vice-President Renate Kinzinger (right)

Our mission statement (post-Brexit)

The Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Rhein-Neckar e.V. is committed to promoting good relations between all countries in Europe, in particular between Germany and the United Kingdom, and between the citizens of the United Kingdom with each other: 

"Der Verein verfolgt Zwecke der Förderung internationaler Gesinnung und des Völkerverständigungsgedanken, der Förderung der Erziehung, Volks- und Berufsbildung, der allgemeinen Förderung des demokratischen Staatswesen und der Förderung des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements." (Excerpt from our Constitution)

After the results of the Referendum and Brexit, we see the need more than ever for a preservation and strengthening of these good relations, and we will do everything we can to support and promote that. 

Although our members individually hold wide-ranging views, the Society itself is politically neutral and does not represent any one point of view, including the British government’s.

Our goal is to provide a forum where people of all persuasions can meet, be informed and exchange views about the historic and challenging events which lie ahead.

The Executive Committee, DBG Rhein-Neckar e.V.


The Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft (German-English Society) was founded in Düsseldorf in 1949 with the aim of restoring good relations with neighbouring peoples, leading Germany back into the circle of western democracies and establishing respectful rapport with the former war adversary. Branches quickly sprang up in other parts of Germany, such as in Heidelberg in 1957.

In 2001, the members’ assembly passed a resolution to change the original name (Deutsch-Englische) to Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft in order to reflect the political realities of the United Kingdom. 

Today, over 70 years on, there are 12 regional branches throughout Germany; one of these is the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Rhein-Neckar e.V., based in Heidelberg.


Committee/Vorstand (DBG Rhein-Neckar e.V.)

Nichola Hayton MBE     1. Vorsitzende / President                 (im geschäftsführenden Vorstand)

Renate Kinzinger             2. Vorsitzende / Vice-President         "

Andy Pelkiewicz               Schatzmeister / Treasurer                     "         

Beverley Mühlbauer      Schriftführerin / Secretary                    "

Andrea Scheinert             Publicity


Tom Iredale:  Facebook 



Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Rhein-Neckar e.V.

c/o Beverley Mühlbauer

Kastanienweg 12a

69221 Dossenheim

Telephone: +49 (0)160 6595286

E-Mail: dbgrn.info@gmail.com

Follow us on Facebook


If you would like to become a member, please go to the "Join Us" page, where you can find an application form and our current statutes.